Thank you for purchasing Math Pop!
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Game Overview
A fun and addicting math game. Pop the balloons to add up Your Number. The goal is to match the Star Number without going over. It's game over if you add Your Number too high, run out of move points, or run out of time.
When you match the Star Number, you get some bonus score points. The Star Number is increased, the timer is reset, and Your Number is set to zero for the next round. You also get some extra move points.
The title font is Henny Penny.
The in-game font (numbers, scores, etc.) is set in Game.js as "Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif".
Logic and Assets
This game uses the Phaser HTML5 Game Framework.
All of the visual assets for the game are in the /img directory (game sprites in /img/sprites).
The sound files are located in the /audio directory.
All of the logic for the game is in the /js directory.
- Boot.js - Sets some display preferences, and gets the preloading text ready.
- Preload.js - Preloads all of the game assets.
- MainMenu.js - The main menu screen.
- HowToPlay.js - The "How To Play" screen.
- Game.js - The main game.
- GameOver.js - The "Game Over" screen.
There are configuration options in the Game.js file. Look for:
// CONFIG /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Min/max to increase Star Number levelIncrease = [7, 15]; // Init percentage of Star Number to set Balloon Number to balloonNumberLimit = .3; // Out of 100 - Chance to double the balloon number doubleNumberChance = 50; // Out of 100 - Chance to half the balloon number (stacks with double) halfNumberChance = 50; // Out of 100 - Chance to set balloon number to single digit (Overrides chances above) singleDigitNumberChance = 4; // Out of 100 - Chance to set balloon number to the level-winning number // (only occurs if yourNumber is >= 75% of starNumber) (Overrides chances above) perfectNumberChance = 8; // Chance per frame out of 1000 balloonSpawnRate = 30; // Balloon speed, random min/max balloonSpeed = [4, 8]; // Balloon "wind" (left or right) random max balloonWindLimit = 2; // Moves to start with (moves do not reset after a level) movesStart = 9; // Multiplied by Star Number to increase moves by after winning a level movesLeftInc = .05; // Level starting seconds ("seconds" are relative to framerate of 60 fps) timeLeftStart = 25; // Scoring settings... scoring = { // Increase score by when winning a level 'level': 1000, // Increase score by multiplying time left by (runs after winning a level, and at game over) 'timeMultiplier': 10, // Increase score by multiplying moves left by (runs at game over) 'movesMultiplier': 10 }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Thank you again!
- BitwiseCreative